Welcome to In-Gaged Leadership
“No institution can possibly survive if it needs geniuses or supermen to manage it. It must be organized in such. Here is the new quote” –Drucker
Sort of obvious, Right? Well, apparently not. If it were then why do so many businesses lack the ability to make it happen?
Or should I say a lack of willingness to put in the time and energy to develop great leaders, and to inspire their employees into higher levels of teamwork and contribution.

What separates the great organizations from the average is a focused emphasis on developing their employees – not just promoting them.
Because it’s so easy, and natural, to reward great effort by promoting employees into roles of leadership – even when they aren’t remotely ready.
Sure, great organizations want to recognize and accelerate the potential in their employees: But they also take the time to mentor, coach, train, and nurture them to ensure the success of these individuals.
That’s the only guaranteed formula for accomplished personnel development and successful organizational development.
And that’s what “in-gaged” Leadership is all about: “Learned” leadership and “Prepared” promotion
Focused on one-with-one coaching, “in-gaged” will deliver more effective action and better outcomes – for both your people and your organization, utilising Everything DiSC and 5 Behaviours of a Cohesive team . In short: I provide the experience, guidance, and support for my clients to develop great leaders – internally.
Now – that’s a solution that’s obvious. Right?

Schedule a free consultation
At “in-gaged” Leadership we offer the opportunity to support organizations that are busy trying to be successful but may need some more focus on what drives them to success. We work with you to draw out of the organization the strengths that will help you succeed. Today’s business has become so preoccupied with meeting weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual results they’ve forgotten what really drives them to success. They have lost sight of what got them there in the first place. “in-gaged” Leadership helps you remember. Let us unlock your key to success.
363 Assessments
With the ability to deliver a solid 363 assessment backed with thirty five years of business experience to build a professional development plan to move forward is invaluable. With the power of Everything DiSC and Inscape Publishing you can’t get a better development tool.
Interim Leadership
With years in Executive positions I bring an experienced vision to help guide and fine tune your organization to help you do what you are already doing better. I share my thirty five years of experience to help in your success.
Executive Coaching
Delivering a mature experienced approach, I bring the knowledge of what can work and what most likely won’t. Executives like yourselves have been successful, I just add to your portfolio of experience and vision

““This is the first training that didn’t keep goal setting vague. It’s been preached that goal setting is important since primary school but nothing before has given me the tools to achieve those goals.”
“Paul conveys information and ideas clearly and logically he participates fully, sharing knowledge and expertise. Paul has a way of drawing the best out of people and is a pleasure to work with.”